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The stress of a new working year. My solutions

It's always stressful at the beginning of the year, isn't it? The stress of the start of the working year has you dragging your feet. Maybe it's because of all the things to do and deadlines to meet, or maybe it's because you're facing the end of the holidays and need to get back into the real world.

It's normal to feel stressed; you're not alone. The effects of stress can be detrimental to your physical and mental health. But there is good news. There are things you can do to manage stress and feel better.

One way to reduce stress is to use lithotherapy, or stone therapy. This ancient practice involves using stones and crystals to promote relaxation and balance of mind, body and spirit and I am an expert at this.

There are many ways to incorporate lithotherapy into your life, but here are five of the most popular:

1. Keep a crystal or stone with you during the day. Choose one that resonates with you and keep it in your pocket or purse. Whenever you feel stressed, take it out and hold it in your hand for a few minutes.

2. Create a relaxing bath with anti-stress crystals. Add a handful of amethyst, lavender or rose quartz to your bathtub to enjoy its soothing benefits.

3. Make a room spray using anti-stress essential oils and gemstone waters. Fill a small spray bottle with water and add a few drops of lavender or chamomile oil. Then add some gemstone water (available in health food shops) and shake well. Spray the mixture around your home or office when you need a break from stress.

4. Place crystals on your body during meditation or yoga. If you are looking for a deeper connection with the tools you use in your healing practice, try placing crystals directly on your body as you breathe and become calm inside.

5. Work with different colours of light to promote healing and well-being. Researchers have found that certain colours have specific effects on our bodies and emotions.

For example, red is thought to increase blood pressure and stimulate appetite, while blue decreases it; yellow lifts your mood, but green can help you sleep better.

Try using these colours during meditation or other healing practices - and perhaps even surround yourself with them when you need to feel calm or rejuvenated. As always, be sensitive to what works best for you.


The start of the new working year can be a stressful time for many people. If you are new to lithotherapy, it is important to consult a certified practitioner before using stones or crystals. Although lithotherapy is generally safe, there are some risks associated with it, such as allergic reactions or skin irritations.

A certified lithotherapist can help you choose the right stones for your needs and advise you on how to use them safely. A session with me may be just what you need right now if you are feeling stressed and overwhelmed. Remember, you are not alone in feeling stressed about the new work year.

I suggest a first lithotherapy session with me to define together which stone will be the most adapted to you and your needs. Go to my page (Lithotherapy consultations) or click here and book your consultation now.

Do not hesitate to contact me for more information at : 07 85 26 58 69

Consultations can also be done remotely

See you soon

Pilar " la Chola " your expert in Lithotherapy

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